Repeating spaces often cause problems when cleaning up your data. My new function “Text.RemoveRepeatingCharacters” can come to the rescue here. Imagine you have a table like this: Challenge To further work with this (…) Read more
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Date.DatesBetween to retrieve dates between 2 dates in Power BI and Power Query
Today I’m sharing a handy function with you that allows you to retrieve all or just a couple of dates between 2 given dates: Date.DatesBetween. Usage This function takes 3 (…) Read more
Right Aligning Text in Power BI: Format Improvements for Easy Profit&Loss Reports
Edit 14-Dec-2017: Now that we can right-align text measures in PowerBI, a SWITCH-measure like here: is the best alternative in my eyes. No need to read on 🙂 As (…) Read more
Bulk-extracting Power Query M-code from multiple pbix files in Power BI
Edit: Unfortunately this method isn’t working any more for files with the latest Power BI file formats (including the enhanced metadata format). If you want to audit or analyse the (…) Read more
Create a function library in Power BI using M-Extensions
Having the ability to use own M-function the same way than native functions in Power BI and Excel has been one of my biggest wishes for quite some time. So I (…) Read more
Guest Post: Recursion in M for beginners
Intro from Imke: “I’m very proud to announce the 1st guest post on my blog written by Daniil Maslyuk. His Twitter slogan: “I am a fan of Power BI and (…) Read more