CALCULATE is the most powerful function in DAX, as it allows you to change the filter context under which its expression is evaluated to your hearts content. But with big (…) Read more
The full Table.ContainsAnywhere function for Power Query in Power BI and Excel
In a previous post I introduced the concept of a function that searches for an occurrence of a character or string within all columns of a table. Here I share (…) Read more
Bug in Power BI R Scripts “package … was installed with different internals”
Today I spent many hours hunting an R-script error in Power BI and before Steph Locke came up with a solution for this, I came across a couple of posts (…) Read more
A new Table.ContainsAnywhere function for Power Query in Power BI and Excel
The native Table.Contains-function in Power Query tells you if one or more strings are included in one or more of its columns. But you have to be specific about which (…) Read more
How to cancel your Power Query refreshes fast in Power BI and Excel
If you’re working with large data or complex queries that take a long time refresh, cancelling one of those refreshes can even take longer time, especially, if the query has (…) Read more
Easy way to retrieve Teams data in Power BI via Flow (and other data from the Graph)
In a previous post I’ve described how to use a custom connector to retrieve data from the Microsoft Graph API. But this requires to register an App and adjusting the (…) Read more