If you use the M-function Number.Mod in Power BI or Power Query and expect the same result like in Excel or DAX, you are probably in good company. But if (…) Read more
How Power Query can return clickable hyperlinks with friendly names to Excel
When you use Power Query as an Excel-automation-tool rather than just to feed the data model, you might want to return clickable hyperlinks that carry friendly names. This doesn’t work out of (…) Read more
How to open a complex JSON record in Power BI and Power Query
Today I’ll show you a very useful technique how to deal with a JSON record that contains a wild mixture of different elements like this: If you click on one (…) Read more
How to create and use an R-function-library in Power BI
Edit 10-10-2017: There is also a (simpler) way to run a custom function library described here: http://www.thebiccountant.com/2017/10/06/create-a-function-library-in-power-bi-using-m-extensions/ . If you go that route, the only point of interest in the (…) Read more
Tips and Tricks for R scripts in the query editor in Power BI
Especially if you are new to R, there are some things one needs to know to successfully run R-scripts in the query editor of Power BI. I will share them (…) Read more
How to import from Excel with cell coordinates in Power Query and Power BI
There might be occasions where you want to import data from Excel into Power Query or Power BI using cell coordinates like a range from E3 until G9 for example (…) Read more