“Just because you could doesn’t mean you should”… So I’m asking the Power Query and M fans & experts here if we “should” pipe M: Background: With M you can nest your (…) Read more
New M-function: Table.TransformColumnTypesToFirstRowsTypes for PowerBI and PowerQuery
The following function automatically transforms all columns to the types that have been detected in the cells of its first row. Provided they come as: Number, date or text (but (…) Read more
How to expand a column that cannot be expanded in Power BI and Power Query in Excel
Especially when working with JSON-data, you might end up with a column that has elements of mixed types in it. The expand column – arrows will be missing, but some elements still need (…) Read more
Table.TransformColumns – alternative in PowerBI and PowerQuery in Excel
This article shows a trick for a little problem that annoyed me for quite some time: How to get Table.TransformColumns transforming the values of a column with a reference to a value (from the (…) Read more
SQL-query folding bug still alive and sucking in PowerBI and PowerQuery in Excel
Edit: There is currently no interest at Microsoft to change the current behaviour: http://community.powerbi.com/t5/Issues/Bug-Query-folding-not-working-with-non-SQL-datasource/idi-p/225100#M11611 . I found that this workaround works also pretty well (faster in most cases), as long (…) Read more
Non-linear Break-Even Analysis in PowerBI
A break-even analysis tells you at which value of the parameter in question your profit-calculation will turn positive (link). Here we need to sell at least 173 at a given (…) Read more