Edit 2nd October 2021: Unfortunately this method doesn’t work any more, as Dropbox now requires proper OAuth authentication. Below you’ll find a video where you can see how easy it is to (…) Read more
Unpivot by number of columns and rows in PowerBI and PowerQuery in Excel
Today I’m sharing with you one of my killer M(inja)-strikes: Unpivot a table by simply passing the number of columns that shall remain (at the left side of the table) (…) Read more
Analyse your memory consumption in PowerBI
It’s downing a bit slowly on me how awesome the direct retrieval of DMVs in PowerBI and PowerQuery actually is. Just see how easy we can build a cool view (…) Read more
Pivot your table-relationships in Power BI and Power Pivot
While the relationships view of the datamodel provides a very good overview which tables are connected to each other, one cannot see at a glance on which field they are (…) Read more
Performance Tip: Partition your tables at crossjoins where possible – PowerQuery PowerBI
Recently I’ve distributed some techniques for partial matches or relative joins between tables using PowerQuery or the query editor in PowerBI. They are very flexible and powerful – yet slow. (…) Read more
Goal seeking and XIRR in PowerBI and PowerQuery
If you want to solve Excels XIRR-function with M in PowerBI or PowerQuery you have to use a goal seeking algorithm. I tried it with a binary-search and the results were (…) Read more