The Black Scholes formula returns the value of European put and call options. The version I’m sharing here uses the standard normal cumulative distribution function from my previous blogpost. Algorithm (…) Read more
Posts Tagged ‘M’
Convert DateTime to ISO 8601 date and time strings in Power Query
Often, when querying APIs it is required to enter date and time filters in ISO 8601 format . Today I show a quick way to convert DateTime to ISO 8601 string, (…) Read more
Extract pattern string and numbers from text using List.Accumulate in Power Query
A typical task when cleaning data is to extract substrings from string that follow a certain pattern. In this post I’m going to describe a method that uses the List.Accumulate (…) Read more
How not to miss the last page when paging with Power BI and Power Query
When you use an API with a paging mechanism (like the example from this blogpost), you’ll might work with a field that contains the address for the next page. You (…) Read more
Trimming text with custom characters in Power BI and Power Query
When cleaning dirty data, you might have used the Trim-function (Text.TrimStart or Text.TrimEnd) to delete leading or trailing whitespace from your strings. However, did you know that you could use (…) Read more
Date.Networkdays function for Power Query and Power BI
Today I’m going to share my custom NETWORKDAYS function for Power Query with you that uses the same syntax than its Excel-equivalent. NETWORKDAYS function This function’s first 3 parameters work (…) Read more