This article shows a trick for a little problem that annoyed me for quite some time: How to get Table.TransformColumns transforming the values of a column with a reference to a value (from the (…) Read more
Posts Tagged ‘M’
SQL-query folding bug still alive and sucking in PowerBI and PowerQuery in Excel
Edit: There is currently no interest at Microsoft to change the current behaviour: . I found that this workaround works also pretty well (faster in most cases), as long (…) Read more
Unpivot by number of columns and rows in PowerBI and PowerQuery in Excel
Today I’m sharing with you one of my killer M(inja)-strikes: Unpivot a table by simply passing the number of columns that shall remain (at the left side of the table) (…) Read more
Performance difference between Excel and PowerBI with M is huge!
I knew that the performance of M in the query editor of PowerBI was much better than in Excel, but only today I discovered the incredible difference we actually have (…) Read more
Dynamically flatten Parent-Child Hierarchies in DAX and PowerBI
If you use DAX to flatten Parent-Child hierarchies you will end up with a table that has a static number of columns (like described here). If you need a dynamic (…) Read more
Automatical or Bulk- Rename Columns in Power BI and Power Query
Edit 7th Feb 2017: Friendly reader Roknic pointed out in the comments below that there’s actually an existing function for it in M: Table.TransformColumnNames 🙂 So the first of my example (…) Read more